Mural on Clarion Street :) January 11, 2013 by Megan Wilson. The Narcania mural is a harm-reduction themed mural geared towards raising awareness about Narcan, a life-saving drug that reverses opiate related overdoses, which has become an epidemic(now that people are paying attention)nation-wide, and locally, somewhat recently due to the wide-scale use and distribution of fentanyl: a super strong opiate that dealers are now cutting most of the street heroin and other drugs with.

Mural on Clarion Street 🙂 January 11, 2013 by Megan Wilson. The Narcania mural is a harm-reduction themed mural geared towards raising awareness about Narcan, a life-saving drug that reverses opiate related overdoses, which has become an epidemic(now that people are paying attention)nation-wide, and locally, somewhat recently due to the wide-scale use and distribution of fentanyl: a super strong opiate that dealers are now cutting most of the street heroin and other drugs with.